Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was the day, the big 2-9. This is my last year that I think I can get away without really having to grow up and be an adult. Once you hit 30, you don't have any excuse. But one more year...I better make it a good one!

I awoke to my girls jumping on my bed and giving me hugs and kisses and wishing me happy birthday. And that continued all day. Everytime they see me, I get a big, "Happy Birthday, Mommy! I love you!" Does it get any better than that? I submit to you that it does not.

Anders took the kids in the morning, and I had a nice several hours to myself. I went shopping, and I was able to make important decisions without being rushed. Like, should I get Reese's peanut butter eggs or Cadbury eggs for the girls' Easter baskets? If I'd had the kids with me, I probably would have ended up with Whoppers (which are disgusting). I would have been pressured into making a hasty decision because Ethan would have been dive bombing out of the cart, Natalie would have been pulling everything off the shelves, and Andrea would have been asking me at least 47 questions.

Anyway, it was a lovely day. I got some time to myself, which is what each mom needs every year or so. Some gifts of note: a new duvet cover for our bed (I have hated our current one from the first day we bought it 5 years ago. It's purple. Need I say more?); a book by Bruce C. Hafen; and a new temple bag (the temple bag was great - the one I have been using was a bag that I got for my 13th birthday. It was from Claire's. It was canvas. It had flowers on it. Yikes.) And Anders did a magnificent job on the chocolate cake - it was layered!

Ethan rather enjoyed the chocolate cake.

Chic-fil-A was for dinner (my request). I could write a whole blog about how much I love Chic-Fil-A, from their real chicken nuggets, to the fresh flowers on the tables, to the cow that comes to visit every Tuesday night. What's not to love?!

Thanks to my family for making it a great day :)

1 comment:

Andrea Forsyth said...

judging from how often we talk about it, i think that you will be writing a blog about how much you love chic-fil-a.

happy birthday, enemy. you're the best big sister i've ever had.