Sunday, April 26, 2009

It can't be worse than pregnancy.

This was the thought that got me through my wisdom tooth extraction without completely freaking out.

I'll admit it. I was terrified. The thought of what was going to happen to my poor mouth was too gruesome for me to comprehend. And the fact that there were some possible complications was equally, if not more, disturbing.

But the surgery was Friday, and today is Sunday, and it came to pass that all was well. My face is not paralyzed, and only one tooth (or lack of tooth) is really causing any pain.

And I'm not afraid of pain. I've had three c-sections. Were they painful? You better believe it. I've had doctors try to turn two breech babies. Did it hurt? Like the dickens it hurt. And yet, the thought of those things doesn't scare me in the least.

You know what does scare me? Nausea and vomiting for 6+ months, only to be replaced by constant itching all over, to the point of tears and scratching until it bleeds. Basically, pregnancy in general is my worst. nightmare. ever.

And so having a few teeth removed is really no biggie. The worst part was the IV (I hate hate hate needles), and then I woke up and it was all done. Since the surgery, I just lie in bed, watch movies, read, and sleep. And blog. I enjoy an occasional narcotic. I swish with salt water. I wear frozen bags of peas on my face. I eat yogurt and mashed potatoes with a baby spoon. My husband brings my children in to give me love, but then ushers then out when they get too rambunctious.

I'm beginning to think I should do this more often. Maybe next time we think about having a baby, I should just opt to have some teeth removed. So much easier...

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